The release of In Search of the Lost Chord was the second album since the
Moody Blues changed direction, following on from Days of Future Passed.
This was the group's contribution to English psychedelia.
The album starts with a spoken introduction (not quite Stanley Unwin) before
moving into the up-tempo Ride My See-Saw. This track was recorded for the
BBC's Colour Me Pop and is regularly broadcast as part of the Sounds
of the 60s series.
Voices in the Sky became a hit single. On the album it forms part of a
trilogy alongside Visions of Paradise and The Best Way to Travel.
Release Date: 1968
Highest UK chart position: 5
Highest US chart position: 23
Essential Tracks:
- Ride My See-Saw
- Voices in the Sky
- The Best Way to Travel
Track Listing:
- Departure
- Ride My See-Saw
- Dr Livingstone, I Presume
- House of Four Doors
- Legend of a Mind
- House of Four Doors (Part 2)
- Voices in the Sky
- The Best Way to Travel
- Visions of Paradise
- The Actor
- The Word
- Om